Category Archives: College Football

Weekend Reading, Sept. 14-16

Great links that found me over the weekend –

  1. On Caffeine and Writing: A fun read on how much caffeine it takes to kill you and where a good writing spot can be found. Of his list of caffeinated drinks, Starbucks Grande Coffee scaringly can kill you the fastest (although it would still take you a lot).
  2. More on Caffeine: I couldn’t help but follow the links from the post above and try it myself. The site is called ‘Death by Caffeine,’ and it allows you to choose your favorite caffeinated drink, enter your weight, and then it will tell you how many servings have to be in your body at one time to kill you. I tried Spark Energy Drink (my personal favorite – I’m drinking one right now), and I would need to chug 113 cups in one setting to go bottoms up.
  3. Marketing requires problems: A steady favorite of mine, the UberEye himself, shares an enlightening chart on the two kinds of problem solvers/starters in marketing.
  4. US Government now owes $9 trillion: Great random post to remind of us how messed up our government is.
  5. eHow: Came across this awesome site while refreshing my memory on how to change a bike tire. Great website! No comments allowed on me having to look this up.
  6. Kentucky Beats Louisville: To say “UK football” and “3-0” in the same sentence is unheard of, as is “Kentucky beats a top 10 team.” But it happened – can the Cats keep it up?
  7. 13 Tricks to Motivate Yourself: Good common sense ways to stay motivated, and a great statement on what’s wrong if you are never motivated (get a new job!).
  8. Unmarried America: Here’s a great summary from Church Relevance on the later ages that we’re all getting married at. He has some nice insight on what this means for singles’ ministry and the church. Maybe the singles pastor is going to have to come up with studies different from “finding the love of your life. . . . .”
  9. Someday it’ll all be worth it: Another excellent cartoon over at Indexed.
  10. Greatest Prank Ever: This is outstanding – enjoy!